Guest Blogger Submission Guidelines

Yes, I'm currently accepting guest blogger applications

Head's up! If you don't follow these guidelines your application will be deleted.

Sound tough?

Yep, it's a tough world of competition among guest bloggers. That's because site owners only want to publish quality material.

I'm no different.

Examples of What I Will (and Won't!) Publish

I have zero interest in publishing generic posts, such as:

  • How to Crush Your Goals With a 5-Year Plan
  • 7 Surprising Secrets for Success

I'm looking for guest bloggers who are not afraid to put some heart or some personal experience into their writing. I'm always looking for stories that fall into these categories:

  • Living with passion
  • Expressing your creativity
  • Living your dream or goal
  • Sharing a fear that others can relate to
  • Handling or overcoming a life challenge
  • What, when, where or who inspires you to be your best self
  • Debunking the critics or the social norms that try to hold us back

What you'll get if your application is successful:
  • author photo
  • author bio of 50-70 words
  • 2-3 links in your bio
  • your post announced to my email subscribers
  • Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook exposure*

* Lucky Learning is new and doesn't have much social media presence yet. If that makes you unhappy, come back and reapply in about six months. 

What I'll be expecting from you:
  • writing that speaks to my audience (more on that below)
  • simple writing that doesn't try to sound too formal or fancy
  • quality links in your bio that are worth visiting
  • announce your own guest post on your social media platforms

What will happen when I prepare your post for publishing:
  • I'll find a suitable stock photo for the image at the top of your post.
  • I reserve the right to edit your post for typos and grammar.
  • I'll add your author photo, bio and bio links at the bottom of your post.
  • I'll write a short introduction at the top, announcing you as my guest.

Who My Audience Is

My audience is typically focused on learning how to improve their lives and fulfill their own potential.

My audience is comprised of people who'd be prepared to take an online course to help them stretch their horizons or improve their ability to live effectively. For instance, one of my courses is You Can Beat Procrastination. I also offer courses for writers, such as 8 Secrets to Being a Happy Writer, which means you can write about writing if that's your passion.

You can tell a lot about my audience from the titles of the courses and coaching I offer.

How to Give Me High-Quality Material to Publish

1. Understand WHO my audience is, and write for my audience.

2. Include yourself. Writing in the first person makes it much more engaging for my readers.

3. Use stories from your own experience to illustrate your points.

This is Guaranteed to Raise Your Probability of Success

The best way to be a successful guest blogger is to read a few of the existing posts on the blog you're targeting. Here are several you can check out on the Lucky Learning blog:

How Louis Braille Impacted My Life

Be yourself. Be an actor. Which is it?!

Lost...In...Space: Living with Developmental Topographical Disorder

Nixing the Power of My Naysayers

Long Time Dreaming: How Finally Writing My Book Gave Me Unexpected Purpose

How to Apply

Use the form below to pitch me your idea.

I'll get back to you within 1–2 days to let you know whether your idea is worth developing.

If it's an idea worth developing, I'll usually give some tips to help you stay on track in a way that will appeal to my audience.

Please do not
send me something
you've already written.
If you do, your
application will
be deleted.

Pitch me your idea

1. Give me a clear idea of what you intend to write about. It doesn't need to be elaborate—just interesting for my audience.

2. Persuade me. Why should I take the time to publish your guest blog post?

The box will expand as you type, so keep going if you need more space.