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Can a rock-bottom price keep you accountable?

accountability Jul 23, 2020

If you're one of the “lucky ducks” who enrolled as an Early Bird in one of my online courses, you'll know I give really good discounts.

Even if you're not one of those Early Birds, here's something to ponder in the bigger scheme of things.

When you pay a rock-bottom price to enroll in an online course, you'll get that initial thrill of landing a good deal. But is this thrill deceptive?

Accountability and cheap. Are they a match?

One of my courses is You Can Beat Procrastination. How much self-generated incentive will it take for you to change your entrenched habits of procrastination?

If you're enrolling in a course to try to change them, this probably means you've gotten desperate about resolving your procrastination. Which means you'll need all the self-incentive you can get.

Not that I'm expecting you to do it alone. You'll have my support throughout the course and you'll have each other (fellow students). The course curriculum also provides you with a special accountability section, offering choices for how to keep yourself accountable.

Accountability and free. Definitely not a match!

During my years as a writing coach, I've learned the hard way that some people don't appreciate what they get for free.

To ensure that each new client is the right fit for the type of coaching I do, I use an induction process, including an introductory week of coaching and (I used to offer) a free consultation. Here are some of the less productive behaviors I encountered with the free consultation:

  • Some people assume a free consultation is free coaching;
  • Many people don't do their homework before the call (for instance, they don't check the fees to find out whether this is something they can afford);
  • Some people get mad when they find out I actually charge money for my service and cancel the appointment.

That last one is desirable, actually. I use my induction process to weed out the people who aren't serious. Some of them weed themselves out.

“Commitment unlocks the doors
of imagination, allows vision,
and gives us the right stuff to
turn our dream into reality.” 

— James Womack

Price and taking your investment seriously

In her article Top 10 Ways to Invest in Yourself and Why It’s So Powerful, strategist and speaker Megan Tull wrote, “When you invest in yourself, a world of opportunities will open up for you.”

I'm curious. Have you ever paid a low price for something you were excited about—but then blew it off later because you felt the dollar loss was low enough?

We sure don't want that to happen, right?

If you enroll in a course or coaching here at Lucky Learning, I'll do everything in my power to make sure that doesn't happen. But, remember, you'll have to “get cracking” (as my mom used to say) and do your part.

Cheers ~ Milli

P.S. If you have views you want to share about accountability and paying a low price, feel free to visit my Contact page and send me your thoughts. I respond to all my mail personally.

Copyright © Milli Thornton